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15 May 2024

This month we’re bringing out lots of improvements as well as some long-awaited functionalities. To highlight a few:

  • Smart triggers for custom notifications: create any custom date field and kick-off notifications in advance, on the day or on the anniversary of.
  • Tailored onboarding experience: create custom sections in the employee’s profile and collect any data you need from this new hire. From professional certifications to favourite sports team.
  • Set up allowances for Employee Expenses
  • Get your team events and absences with an iCal link

15 April 2024

New Growth app Presenting to you a brand new module for Performance reviews and Surveys. Adding a lot more functionality and better experience for people teams, managers and employees. Stay tuned for more knowledge materials on best practices and tips.

Growth Preview

Watch a demo:

April 2024


Sequential approval rules Some workflows require pre-approval before the final approver is required to sign off. For example, a company may have a sequential approval policy that requires pre-approval for certain expenses before they’re approved by the Finance department. Now you can create custom rules that require multiple steps. Approvers will be notified sequentially, as eac rule is met. You can find this in Company settings, Customisation and then click Approval rules.


Auto-enrol your MacBooks to Zelt The Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) provides a fast, streamlined way to deploy your corporate-owned Apple devices. In your corporate Apple Business Manager account you can now add Zelt MDM as your preferred MDM server. To configure these settings, start from Company settings, click Devices and then Auto enrolment.


March 2024


Expenses Create expense policies and refund your team’s payments via payroll or make wires via open banking directly from Zelt. Sync expenses to your accounting apps on approval or pay them back to your employees as a part of the upcoming payrun. Benefits are also now fully integrated with expenses, so you can pay back any expenses made against company perks like Learning Budget.


Prompting OS updates Set rules for company devices to check for the latest available operating system and prompt upgrades that are not skippable.  You will have a few options to set required upgrades in settings or launch these individually on device’s page.

OS updates


New & Improved

  • Integrate Absence policies with Payroll: any policy can be connected to payroll and your deductions or additions will be automatically added to the next payrun.
  • Custom public holiday calendars: Copy an existing calendar or create your own from scratch with one-off or recurring public holidays that will be added to your employee’s calendars.
  • Request an attachment for any time off policy. Especially relevant for adding a doctor’s note to a sick leave request.
  • Improvements to custom fields: add any custom fields as required on employee’s profile and they will be flagged as missing on the dashboard, if not filled in.
  • Additional recovery flows for enrolled devices. Now collecting Activation lock bypass key and FileVault Recovery key when enabled after enrolment.
  • Preferred currency settings added in Entity set up in Company settings.
  • Customise ID checks by building your own package from Address to Sanction list checks.

February 2024

By-weekly schedules can now accommodate for more flexible working patterns, while still allowing for accurate salary and allowance pro-rating. Set rotating patterns in Zelt for unlimited number of weeks.

Byweekly scedules


New & Improved
  • Checklists improvements: Launch checklists from employee’s profiles.
  • Overlaps in time off: Set how overlaps should be handled for your team – allow or prevent them or simply warn about too many people being out of office.
  • Smart contract improvements: Preview and print the smart contract as Zelt auto-populates placeholder fields for the signatories.
  • Daily and hourly rate: Adding a preview of daily and hourly rate of your employees based on their attendance schedule.
  • Payments for Global payroll: Added payments flow for payroll

January 2024

We’ve been working hard to bring to you Global payroll engine. Zelt enables you to run accurate, fully integrated and straightforward payroll – wherever you are based. Comes packed with automations like time to payroll sync, for example pay and deductions or penalties.

Global Payroll

New & Improved
  • Expanding custom fields feature: Now you can add custom fields into any profile section or page, make fields hidden or required. You can also use these custom fields in Reports or as Smart triggers for notifications. For example, if your employees undergo some assessment or certification that can expire – set an end date for this certification as a custom field and create a notification to relevant team members 30 days before expiry.
  • WiFi settings for your devices: Pre-configure WiFi network settings so your new joiners jump straight into it. Or if you are required to make regular changes to WiFi security – remove the burden of email updates.
  • Check-in history: See checkin history for your enrolled devices in Zelt.