Knowledge center
Tools & calculators

Employer NI calculator and guide for 2024/25/26
Calculate employers NI contributions using the web NI calculator or download an Excel version to see how the 2025/26 NIC hike will affect you.

Maternity pay calculator
Use this maternity pay calculator to calculate the correct amount of maternity pay that employees are entitled to.

Maternity leave calculator
Use this calculator to understand your employees' maternity leave entitlement, including pay calculations and eligibility requirements.

Statutory sick pay calculator 2024/25
Use our statutory sick pay (SSP) calculator to make life easier, reduce errors and ensure your team get paid correctly

Statutory redundancy pay calculator
Use this redundancy pay calculator to calculate redundancy pay and download a free excel version to make your own calculations.

Overtime calculator
Use this overtime calculator to find out how much you have to pay your employees for overtime work over regular working hours.

9 day fortnight calculator
Use our 9 day fortnight calculator to figure out your compressed hours based working pattern. Stay productive while enjoying an extra day off.
Zelt is a single and configurable platform where you and your employees have the same interface. Admins have full control over what different employees and accounts will be able to see and do in Zelt. You can create your own custom permission groups with inclusion and exclusion rules for who it applies to.
Zelt’s Global Payroll lets you set up your global operations in a few simple steps. Integrate your benefits, absence and attendance pay, expenses and more for your team once and scale it for the distributed teams, avoiding any double-work.
Zelt’s Devices app lets you manage your asset register with ease. Deploy security policies to your devices or specific groups of employees for your Apple, Windows or Android devices. Enable self-service for device owners if they run into any trouble or security issues – Zelt will guide them through the steps.
Zelt has integrations with most major UK banks, so you can start making payments straight away, without any set up from your end from your company’s bank account.
Some banks allow you to set execution dates in the future, so you can create and authorise payments in advance and just set them to be automatically made on the exact day you schedule them on.